Alice in wonderland

Chagrin Falls Community Education is presenting the musical tale of "Alice in Wonderland" featuring 80 plus cast and crew members in grades 2-12.  All performances will be held at the Chagrin Falls Intermediate School auditorium on Friday, April 26 (Red Cast) at 7 pm, Saturday, April 27 (Blue Cast) at 11:30 am, Saturday, April 27 (Red Cast) at 3 pm, and Sunday, April 28 (Blue Cast) at 2 pm.  Directed by Pat Keller Haynish with assistance from Kathy Ohlrich and Rob Keshock and sponsored by Chagrin Falls Community Education, tickets may be purchased at the door or at this link: Adults $12, Students $9

The picture below features some of the "Red Cast" members of Alice in Wonderland.  From L to R they are:

Mad Hatter (Allison Dombrowski, Gr. 6 Kenston), Cheshire Cat (Zoe Zabell, Gr. 6 Chagrin Falls), Alice (Avery Gebler, Gr. 6 Chagrin Falls), Queen of Hearts (Gwen Fink, Gr. 6 Chagrin Falls), King of Hearts (Dylan Nelson, Gr. 6 Chagrin Falls)