A group of Chagrin Falls Middle School students recently presented an interactive English Language Arts (ELA) showcase at the January 24 Board of Education meeting. Their goal was to highlight the creative ways students are immersed in literacy skill-building across the curriculum.
The event began with an introduction from Principal Laila Discenza, who explained the middle school’s commitment to “learner-centered experiences” that spark student engagement and ownership. ELA classes embrace essential questions, discussion, and critical thinking to advance both academics and life-long learning skills.
Seventh and eighth grade ELA teachers Jessica Johnson and Tara Gallo then facilitated demonstrations on popular programs that bring reading and writing to life. Small groups of students acted out rounds from their Socratic Seminars–text-based discussions that teach listening, analysis, and thoughtful responses. They also explained the student-led Book Clubs that dive deep into literature over several weeks. These students were Scarlett Beech, Samantha Benzel, Audrey Bricker, Dimitri Kosteas, Maddie Livingston, Jackson Raleigh, Jack Rubin, and Sarah Walker.
Individual students proudly shared their works-in-progress from Writing Workshops, where mini-lessons lead to crafting quality essays, arguments, and creative writing pieces. Outside reading motivation strategies like the Tower of Books challenge, Million Word Campaign, and peer Book Talks were also highlighted. Students Lauren Eickhoff and Bradley Field discussed these learning opportunities.
Finally, interdisciplinary connections were showcased. Seventh graders participate in Greek Olympics after their unit on Greek mythology. They also participate in the annual Regatta and raise money to dig freshwater wells in South Sudan, Africa. This is based on the book, “A Long Walk to Water.” Face-to-face field trips are always a favorite, including the Kol Israel Foundation’s Holocaust Education Programs. Field learning allows students to extend literacy skills into science, history, and community action.
From independent reading incentives to group debates, the ELA showcase provided a glimpse into the vibrant learning community fostered at Chagrin Falls Middle School. Students gain both academic excellence and essential life-long learning skills through their literacy immersion.