Office of Technology & Information Systems
Our Philosophy
Access to modern technology is changing the way students learn and access information. The Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School district students have never known a world without high-speed Internet access, social media, Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia. These children have grown up in a technology-rich world and, subsequently, they think and solve problems differently than previous generations. In their minds, why would they read an instruction manual when you can go online and find a variety of videos related to the topic at hand?
The focus of the Office of Technology & Information Systems is to ensure our students are learning six core technology skills:
Critical thinking
We help teachers integrate technology into their curriculum in a way that makes it exciting, not scary. A blessing, not a burden.
1:1 Computing Model
Students in grades K-12 are provided with a district owned Chromebook. Students will use the Chromebook in a variety of ways in the classroom. The focus is to provide students with multiple opportunities to research, collaborate and create. In addition, older students take the device home at night and on weekends. Offering take home devices is one way we can expand the learning outside of their traditional classroom.
Want to learn more?
Our team is always willing to share policies, stories, best practices, and much more related to our 1:1 environment. If you would like more information, please email us using the addresses below. We'll answer any questions you may have. You can also set up a visit to come out and see the program in action!
Mike Daugherty, Director of Technology and Information Systems
Molly Klodor, Tech Integration and Instructional Coach
440-247-5500 ext 4343
Contact Us
Parents may interact with a variety of online systems throughout the school year. It can be challenging to determine who to contact when you have a problem with one of those systems. We prefer to be contacted via email. It is much easier to solve a problem when we have had time to investigate what is going on. Use the table below as your guide.
Issue | Contact(s) | How to Contact |
Broken / Lost Chromebook | Tech Team | |
eBlast System | Tech Team | |
Final Forms | Tech Team | |
Google Classroom | Tech Team | |
Infinite Campus | Building Secretary | Please reach out to your child's building administrative assistant. |
School Messenger (all calls) | Tech Team | |
Website Question | Tech Team |
Parent Resources
Broken Chromebook?
Chromebooks can be finicky at times. There are a few things students or parents can try to get their Chromebook working again. Check out our Chromebook Repair Tips for help!
Content Filtering
The district uses GoGuardian to filter inappropriate content on the Chromebooks. The filtering is active at school, home, or anywhere the device is used. Parents who would like to add additional filtering should read this guide.
Chromebook Chargers
Students are responsible for their chargers. The district does not replace lost or broken chargers. Replacement chargers can be purchased on Amazon at the link below. Please contact the technology department if you have any questions before purchasing a replacement charger.