Board of Education

View BOE Regular Meeting Livestream

Board Members

Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Policy

Board Meeting Dates

About Our Board of Education Meetings

Regular Meeting
The Board of Education meets one time per month. The regular meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Chagrin Falls High School Library, 400 East Washington St. Each meeting a building will present a Student Showcase, which will occur at the beginning of each meeting. The Board schedules meeting at 7 p.m. to give families the opportunity to attend. The agenda for these regular meetings will include: Board Reports, Superintendent’s Reports, Public Participation, Consent Agenda Items, Superintendent’s Recommendations, Treasurer’s Recommendations, and Other Business. An announcement will always be made of the next meeting date and if an executive session is needed. These meeting dates/times/locations will be posted on the District website, social media, and given to the local reporters.

Board of Education Mission

The Board engages the staff, students, and community in the CFEVS District to inspire shared ownership of District goals and achievements.

Board of Education Core Beliefs

  1. Board members always put students’ interests first.

  2. Board members remain focused on the District’s vision and goals.

  3. Board members strive for positive working relationships with each other by recognizing each other’s strengths and diversity, sharing views respectfully, and seeking consensus, while ultimately abiding by majority decisions of the Board.

  4. Board members strive for positive working relationships with the superintendent and treasurer, honoring their respective authority to advise the Board, implement Board policy, and manage the District.

  5. Board members represent all constituents honestly and equally, seeking to be fair, just, and impartial in all decisions and actions.

Chagrin Falls Board of eduction 2025