In the Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School District, students are age-appropriate for kindergarten if they turn 5 on or before August 1st of the school year they intend to start. For more information, read our Early Entrance to K/1st Grade Guide.
Gurney Elementary School Kindergarten Hours
2024-2025 Full Day Kindergarten: 8:25 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
2024- 2025 Half Day Kindergarten: AM—8:25-11:20 PM—12:20-3:25
Half Day Kindergarten Program 2024-2025
There is no charge for Half Day Kindergarten. The half day kindergarten curriculum is the same core curriculum covered in the full day kindergarten program. Below are details for the Half Day Kindergarten program:
Transportation is provided
Opening class meeting (i.e. greeting, calendar, activity)
Whole group instruction in literacy and math
Social studies, science, technology integrated into classroom instruction
30 minute Encore (specialty area class) daily: art, music, Spanish, STEM, physical education, and library each 1 time every 6 days
*If half-day kindergarten numbers are very low, those half-day students will be placed into a full day class in the afternoon and the hours will be 12:10-3:25pm.
Full Day Kindergarten Program 2024-2025
The Full Day Kindergarten Program is a tuition based program.
The deadline to reserve a spot in a full-day kindergarten class is May 10th, 2024!
In addition to the half day components listed above, the full day provides:
Recess, lunch, rest time
Extended time in literacy and math for remediation, extension, enrichment through small group and/or direct instruction
Social studies/science extension through direct instruction and hands-on activities
Extended, direct instruction in technology
Additional time in Encore classes, field trips, assemblies
What are the benefits of a full-day program? Time. More time allows teachers to remediate or enrich using a wider variety of "best practice" teaching strategies such as: cooperative learning, small group instruction, mixed ability groupings, self-initiated learning, a greater amount of 1:1 student to teacher interaction, and larger blocks of time for instruction.
The $2890 tuition for the full day kindergarten program is used to offset the cost of staffing, facilities, and supplies/equipment.
A $200 nonrefundable deposit is required when registering your child for full day kindergarten. The balance of the tuition is requested in August. If the balance is not paid in full by mid-year, the student may be withdrawn and placed in the half day kindergarten class. Checks should be made out to Chagrin Falls Board of Education. Mail checks to:
Chagrin Falls Exempted Village School District
Attention: Jennifer Mismas, Assistant Treasurer
400 East Washington Street
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
*Students who qualify for a free/reduced lunch under the federal lunch program will receive a modified tuition based on a sliding scale. For more information on this, contact
Safety Town Information for 2025
Coming soon from CFPD.
Feb. 1st: Kindergarten Online Registration Opens!
Apr. 4th: Kindergarten Kick-Off letter, video, resource links all emailed home to those who have registered!
May 9th:Deadline to reserve a spot in full day kindergarten.
May 10th: CFHS Seniors deliver Welcome to Kindergarten Yard Signs!
August 8th: Class Assignments posted on Infinite Campus Accounts. AND, Sign up for Kindergarten Student Screening and Orientation (emailed to parents)
Aug. 18th: Kindergarten Parent Orientation 5:30pm (students do not attend). Meet the teacher, tour the school, etc.
Aug. 19th, 20th & 21st: Kindergarten Student Screening and Orientation; Students are one-to-one with their kindergarten teacher, in their kindergarten classroom!
August 25th: First Day of School for Kindergarten!
To-Do List for
Welcome to kindergarten yard sign - use this LINK to tell us if/when you want a sign.
"All About My Child Form". LINK
If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please send this LINK to their current/most recent preschool teacher so they can share information with our staff that will help us to build classes.
The Kindergarten School Day and Curriculum Overview for 2023-24 LINK!
Kindergarten Readiness Activities to do over the summer - chosen by our kindergarten team! LINK
Mrs. Cohen's OT Corner Link: many activities to increase fine motor, visual motor, and gross motor skills; visual perception, handwriting, and other fun activities to do with your child