Facility Updates for 7-12 Campus
As of February 2023
Improvements below focus on a brief summary of the projects completed in recent years at the 7-12 Campus (Chagrin Falls Middle School and High School).
Summer 2021
Paving Plan (Phase 2) happened at the 7-12 Campus site with the Middle School lot getting a top coat of asphalt as well as improvements to the South Court Walkway concrete repair, concrete stairs, and some seal coating on the North Lots on campus.
Roofing Plan - Some important areas of the High School got a new roof renewal, such as the High School cafeteria and other roof sections on the north side of the building.
LED Lighting - Replacement of exterior LED lighting after photometric study the 7-12 Campus had 78 new LED lamp heads replaced reducing energy costs and reducing maintenance burdens.
Sanitary Lining of Lateral Lines - As part of the Village of Chagrin E. Washington St Project, the district was able to reline the main lateral sanitary lines renewing those older infrastructure items and extending the life cycle for up to 50 years for those sanitary lines.
Summer 2022
Stormwater infrastructure and paving occurred on the north side of the 7-12 campus along East Washington Street.
HVAC - Phase 3 of the HVAC Master Plan - Middle School and Shared Space: Controls Replace and High School: Central Cooling System adding a 110 ton chiller, Chilled Water Pump, and extending chilled water piping to key areas in the building.
Roofing - Phase 3 of a District-wide roofing plan replacing two roofs in the Middle School
Paving - 7-12 Campus - includes renovation of the entry drive with overlay patching, improvements to the South Courtyard Walkway, and other additional concrete and curb replacement. We seal-coated the south drive, east drive, and south lot as well to maintain that asphalt.
The Fire Alarm Systems were replaced at Middle School and High School.
Interior Lighting - LED Lighting was installed in the gyms and cafeteria for both the High School and the Middle School
High School Interior Entrance was Refreshed with new flooring and lighting.
The school clinic at the High School was renovated over the summer and reopened in August 2022.
Furniture - A number of classrooms in the Middle School and High School got new student furniture as part of an overall student furniture refresh program.
A few high school classrooms received the removal of old flooring tile and upgraded to new LTV flooring.
Safety and Security Improvements
The High School has an upgraded vestibule entrance, with improved access control systems with hardware and technology to control access, and increased security camera coverage.
In 2022, a new building fire alarm system was installed to replace the aging system.
Exterior site lighting was added recently so there is new LED lighting on the entire property.
Summary of Completed Permanent Improvement Projects - In Prior Recent Years
The District made significant progress in improving the quality and increasing the longevity of our school district facilities throughout the 2018-2019 SY and into the 2019-2020 SY. Also, the District recently completed the renovation of the Tennis Courts in the summer 2020 which was a project paid for by the Intermediate School bond funds.
Photos from projects above: